Sunday, February 15, 2009

interpersonal communication

In my previous communication lecture we were taught about a kind of communication in which each one of us engaged unknowingly but despite of how common it is. Its importance has been under emphasized. The discussion was about the most frequently encountered of all communication, contexts that is, interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication also known as dyadic communication is two face, face to face interaction. Most often all communication occurs between two people hence it is interpersonal. However, what is unique about dyadic communication is that it is direct, personal, immediate, spontaneous and informal. Hence when we ask questions to our professor, share something with our parents, crack jokes or express our love to our partner. We are engaging in interpersonal communication thus it can be said, it is the most frequently, unavoidable and most important form of communication human undertake. Our survival as social beings depends in large part on our interpersonal communication skill.

Since interpersonal communication plays such a significant role in everyone’s daily life it is important communication. Managing communication is never easy. In every context we must balance conflicting demands that pull us in different directions. We need to balance the goal of expressiveness and protectiveness, autonomy and togetherness, novelty and predictability.

Normally in the process of shaping a relationship both the partners develop certain specific patterns of interaction. Unfortunately they develop dysfunctional patters such as rigid role relations. i.e. Dominance related, disconfirmations i.e. rejecting response, responses that leave us with a diminished sense of self respect, paradoxical messages i.e. . . . contradictory messages and spirals in which one partner`s behaviour intensifies that of the other.

Such patterns limit the freedom of communication and send ambiguous and destructive messages. Ignoring the others personality character and focusing on patterns is one way of avoiding such potential problems.

Relationship plays a major role in everybody’s life. The attachment and closeness a couple is greatly influenced by communication. A person maybe very attached to their relationship or simply not care about it. The role of communication helps nurture an environment of openness and frankness in a relationship. Some people remain an introvert where as some tend to open up very early these factors are responsible for unhealthy relationships.

A relationship has two main parts followed by 5 sub stages of each. The first part stage of coming together. This stage comprises of 5 stages mentioned in a particular order.
Initiating (the start of a relationship), experimenting (trying out each other’s compatibility), bonding (becoming a part of one other).all these stages will run smoothly if there is a good understanding and communication between couples.

The second part is the part of breaking apart. The five stages in this part are, differentiating (finding differences in one another), circumscribing (to limit), stagnating (staying with one another forcefully) avoiding (finding reasons to get away from each other), terminating (ending the relationship). After termination a couple may feel relieve or depressed depending on the attraction that he or she had towards the other person. Attraction is built and maintained through communication.

These days many people are finding their partners by communicating through technology. However, people should know that just the initiating stage can be reached by communicating online. But a person wishes to reach the bonding stage he or she will have to have face to face interpersonal communication. These are all ingredients for not just a couple’s relationship but any relationship for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that interpersonal communication should be emphasied.In modern times were socialising has gained importance delivering appropriate words at appropriate time is very essential to be able to maintain an everlasting and stable relationship around.It has been observed that people with good communication skill are always more popular and enjoy high respect.To win this world we need good communication skill for its the words uttered that are heard and interpreted, our heart inside no one sees.
