Sunday, March 15, 2009

computer mediated communication

Almost on a daily basis we come across issues related to Internet addiction. Majority of the teenagers and adults are addicted to the usage of Internet for one or the other purposes served by it. This new psychological disorder of Internet addiction is fast accruing both popular and professional recognition. Loneliness, shyness, anxiety, depression, and self consciousness are generally associated as the factors responsible for this kind of addiction. Research indicates " that the higher the tendency of one being addicted to the Internet, the shyer the person is, the less faith the person has, the firmer belief the person holds in the irresistible power of others, and the higher trust the person places on chance in determining his or her own course of life." Hence, connection has been found between shyness, Internet use and personality traits.People who are addicted to the Internet make very intense and frequent use of it. They use Internet even as a medium of communication via e-mail, ICQ, chat rooms, newsgroups and online games. This extensive use of Internet is mainly due to the advantages of unlimited access and flexible time schedules it offers. Thus, with Internet addiction, human communication has taken another form referred to as COMPUTER MEDIATED COMMUNICATION i.e. CMC.

CMC refers to the use of computer and related technology to communicate. It includes the electronic mails and messages, long distance blackboards, computer bulletin board, instantaneously transferable data bank, and computer conferences.

I strongly believe that CMC is more appealing than any other traditional form of communication to certain individuals. This is because every individuals mindset, upbringing, attitude and personality are different and our interpersonal communication is largely affected by such factors. For instance, a person who is an extrovert is likely to have a more open face to face conversation as compared to one who is relatively reserved and introvert. However, computer mediated communication enables such people to express their true selves or disclose themselves better as it offers it's users a "reduced cues environment, a chosen degree of identifiability to others and a forum to express facets of one self."

Thus, Computer and the Internet provide another forum for social communication. This forum offers few advantages over traditional means of social interaction i.e face to face interaction, as a result it is increasingly being chosen to form interpersonal relationships.

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