Sunday, February 22, 2009

conflict management

CONFLICT, FIGHTS and DISAGREEMENT have become a part of life It is very common to hear and see conflicts at work place, between couples, between sisters and brothers and among friends.

Conflict is an unpleasant situation that occurs due to differences arising as a result of faulty use of words and phrases. .Hence the people who are involved in less conflict communicate differently than those who get involved in frequent conflicts.

There could be numerous cause for conflicts but the character and personality trait of an individual determines the degree and intensity of conflict. Conflict between two persons who are short tempered and lack self control could become very severe and may result in the use of foul language and even violence.

Though there is always a cause or a problem responsible for the onset of conflict its usually use of insulting and abusive words and phrases which acts as a fuel to keep the fire of discontentment ablaze and its in this flame of conflict that all relationship get turned to ash.

There are various ways to confront conflicts and the best of all is to emotionally control an angry person by delivering empathy statements and listening to what they say till they calm down. It has been noticed that angry and frustrated people reflect their mood by body language before they begin and verbal attack. When such a situation arises the other should be, ASSERTIVE and AGGRESSIVE. He should explain it fully to the hostile person that he will not react emotionally or get angry and upset .or in other words its to make it clear that he cannot be brought in his control .Once the aggressive person realizes this he will calm down.

Another way to avoid conflict is to not get provoked and loose self control Nasty behavior effects all emotionally and spreads anger and hatred. But if other people adopt a few simple technique the conflict could be brought to an end. Firstly, the other person should slow down his responses. He should not give an immediate reply in words .He should first think and then respond. Secondly, the other person have full control on his speech, he should neither speak too loudly nor too quickly. Thirdly, the other person should take a time out which means that he should avoid conversation when the iron is hot, to avoid heated discussions, and passing of negatives remarks so that the agitated person does not get a forum to continue the attacks

Thus to avoid conflicts its essential for all to acquaint themselves with such words and phrases which could avoid conflicts

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